Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:27
Our greeters and ushers are the hands, feet, and smiling face of Christ at our services!
Altar Guild
These behind-the-scene servants dress our altar and prepare Communion elements each week.
Help run sound, lights, and media at worship services and events.
Stage CREW
Lend us your muscles to set up and tear down chairs and staging for services and events.
Communion Assistants
Serve the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ to congregants during services.
Prayer Team
Join us Tuesday nights as we pray over our church, school, and community.
Holy Donut Ministry
Serve coffee and treats after Sunday services
Childcare Team
Help care for our little ones while their parents attend worship or events
Sunday School Teacher
Teach our kids in grades K-6 learn about the Bible and what it means to walk with Jesus on Sunday mornings
Youth Ministry
Lead a Confirmation group or a High School Small Group
Care Team
Help bring hope and care to those who are confined to their home or the hospital
Worship Arts
Love to sing or play music? Join our Worship Arts team!