Covid has touched many of our lives in tragic ways.
One of those affected by loss was the Hernandez family. Their husband and father, Roland, passed away after battling complications from the virus for several months.
Salem wanted to share some love with his widow, Janice, and his children. The family was selected for our 2022 Mystery Makeover Weekend project.

In 90+ degree heat, over 70 members of our church and local community came out to help redo their front and back yards, paint their home, remove diseased trees from their yard, redecorate, and clean up to transform the exterior of their home in one weekend to show God's love to the family.
Here is Janice's response:
"I really hope to find the right words for our deepest gratitude for the countless people who selflessly took time away from their busy lives to grant us such a beautiful gift.
I wanted our Salem family to know how grateful my family and I are for the amazing transformation of our home. Not to mention all the families that worked tirelessly before the mystery weekend.
The Mash family for the incredible stucco; the Pickering family for paint selection and the countless hours and late nights after work replacing wood, patching, repairing and priming everything with his friend, Jeff; Bryon Meyer, Kelly Barksdale, and Maggie Duerr for being here all day every day; Christel and the entire mission board for all the time coordinating and work to make it happen.
Each and every volunteer and donor, each and every big and little thing done is so amazing to all of us. My neighbors also are thankful, lol.
This whole experience is one of those rare and precious moments that catches you by surprise and takes your breathe away. So to everyone, our eternal gratitude, we will never forget, and Roland would be so equally thankful.
Blessing to you all."
Photo credits: John Luciano
Check out the beautiful transformation!
If you know of a person or family who could use a home makeover, nominate them for our 2023 project by visiting
Special thanks to the following businesses who supported our project with donations:
Hunter Industries - irrigation material
Imperial Sprinkler Supply - pipes, fittings, and gatorade
Aguinaga - dump fees and mulch
Sherman Williams - paint
Reliable Tree Service - tree trimmers
Orange County Farm Supply