Kelli Aschoff
School Administrative Assistant

Number of years at Salem: 5
Number of years in Education: 5
What I love most about Salem:
After being a part of Salem for almost 30 years, I consider Salem part of my extended family. I enjoy being with the students on a daily basis, helping them and especially getting to know each of the families.
My favorite movie quote:
"There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz
One of my favorite verses in scripture is:
Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"
It reminds me that there is no doubt with God; we need to trust Him and turn to Him always. He knows what is best for us while always protecting us. He will never deceive us nor leave us. God knows the bigger picture and therefore knows what is ahead of us and what we don't yet see or know. God's got this for us if we just trust and turn to him!
Some of my favorite hobbies include:
Home decorating, gardening, exercising and spending time with my family.
My favorite school memory as a student is:
Competed and came in first place at the district Spelling Bee in 4th grade. :)